Thursday, August 28, 2008
Crane Currency Paper on TV
Monday, August 25, 2008
Farmer's Almanac and a Blissful Wedding?
The 2009 edition of The Old Farmer's Almanac hits the stands tomorrow, bringing back some warm memories from the early days on the farm. Each year, our copy would be eagerly anticipated then widely read from the moment it appeared in the mail box. What would winter bring? What would the weather be like over the holidays? When would we be able to start plowing?
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Dining Etiquette: Corn on the Cob
I have my Google Reader set to all sorts of key words, and one of them is "etiquette." It's an interesting read each morning and afternoon, and such was the case today when I noticed a post from Sandra Muskopf-Hyde of the Etiquette School of Ohio.

Monday, August 18, 2008
Choose a College Gift for Holly
As I get older, it seems the list of things I'm no good at gets longer and longer. The latest realization is that I'm not very good at selecting gifts for those outside the immediate family.
With that in mind, here's the scenario: Holly, the daughter of some long-time friends, is arriving to attend Williams College next week. She's coming from overseas, so my guess is she's traveling light. I want to give her a dorm-warming gift, but haven't been able to settle on the right item.
This is where you can help out. I went online and took a look at Crane's Ideas for College Students and Gifts Under $40 and selected six options.
Please leave me a comment with your preference between now and Friday, Aug. 22, and the item with the most votes is what Ms. Holly shall receive.

Thanks for the assist,
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
More Cape Cod Adventures
You may recall an interesting find on my last trip to Cape Cod a couple of weeks ago.
Well, I'm back on sort of a working vacation - or is that a vacation working? No matter, it's been raining off and on for the past couple of days, but there have been some breaks of sunshine.
And when the sun comes out on Cape Cod, even briefly, the action begins. Here's an example from Sunday afternoon. No, it's not my boat!
Brides Say Thank You on Crane's

At left is Crane's Black Bursts Thank-You Note, and at right is the Apple Green Preppy Thank-You Note.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Washington Woman Highlights Crane

At left is kate spade's Cherry Blossom Thank-You Note, and at right, nomming on some bamboo shoots, is Crane's lovable Panda Note.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
The Art of 19th-Century Business Stationery
I came across a file I had cobbled together a few years ago from the Crane archives to demonstrate some of the fabulous corporate letterheads of the 19th century. In the archives, there are literally thousands of pieces of business correspondence to "Messrs. Crane & Co.," and one can trace the development of the letterhead art form as the dates flash by.

And my most favorite:
Friday, August 1, 2008
The Runaway Train: Crane Calling Cards
Remember that piece I did a few days ago about The Amazing Calling Card Phenomenon? If not, just scroll down a bit and we'll wait for you to catch up...........
Check out what the current issue of Time Magazine (circ. 4.3 million) has to say on the subject. You may recognize a familiar name.
Have a great weekend!
Cape Codder Beats High Gas Prices!
I recently spent a couple of days on Cape Cod, and while driving to the supermarket for some bagels, I spied this spectacular example of Good Old Yankee Ingenuity in the face of the $4 gallon of gas. The inventor was evidently waiting for the morning breeze to stiffen, which appears to be the only drawback to the design......